Analogies are used extensively in human reasoning to help to understand new situations and to suggest potential problems solutions, for example, given the analogy " a school teacher with their pupils are like a shepherd herding sheep", one might reason that as shepherds are better able to direct sheep is they are kept in a group, this might be a good strtegy for schoolteachers too. Analogies can also be used by AI systems by noting structural similarities between past cases and the current situation. As the analogy may fail to hold at some point, analogical reasoning may be used as a heuristic. Within AI, the uses of AI are usually either as a transformational analogy (using at solutions to analogous problems) or a derivational analogy (using the process of obtaining the analogous solution). Reasoning by analogy is often alongside case-based reasoning.
Used in Chap. 3: pages 32, 36; Chap. 5: page 70
Also known as analogical reasoning, analogy